77730 HWY 68 Ravenna, Nebraska 68869
Property is located in south central part of Sherman County approximately 3 miles north of Ravenna. The property has a (3,580 sq ft) split entry house with a walk out feature to the east. A 46 x 120 slant wall building, a 32,000 bushel GSI grain bin which has a burner on it that is the current tenants. The pivot irrigated portion of the property has a 1989 Reinke 10 tower pivot Model #2-6E5 SN #676C3417. The power is supplied by a 125 HP High Thrust Hollow Shaft Vertical Motor SN#5026, a Western Land Roller Pump SN#KB75472. Farm ground has previously certified irrigated acres of 135.42. It also has an additional 10 acres of irrigated that is non-moveable acres. It has had certified 141.4 with the FSA in the past and 40.7 acres non-irrigated, with 121.97 acres of hard rangeland pasture with a pond on the southern portion. Fencing is considered in average condition. The pasture is gently rolling allowing for future development of non-irrigated farm ground.